Privacy Policy

We, the Operators of this Website, provide it as a public service to our users.
Your privacy is important to the us. Our goal is to provide you with a personalized online experience that provides you with the information, resources, and services that are most relevant and helpful to you. This Privacy Policy has been written to describe the conditions under which this website is being made available to you. The Privacy Policy discusses, among other things, how data obtained during your visit to this website may be collected and used. We strongly recommend that you read the Privacy Policy carefully. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the terms of the Privacy Policy, you are directed to discontinue accessing or otherwise using the website or any materials obtained from it. If you are dissatisfied with the website, by all means contact us; otherwise, your only recourse is to disconnect from this site and refrain from visiting the site in the future.

The process of maintaining a website is an evolving one, and the Operators may decide at some point in the future, without advance notice, to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy. Your use of the website, or materials obtained from the website, indicates your assent to the Privacy Policy at the time of such use. The effective Privacy Policy will be posted on the website, and you should check upon every visit for any changes.

Sites Covered by this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all the Operators-maintained websites, domains, information portals, and registries.

Children’s Privacy
The Operators are committed to protecting the privacy needs of children, and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and interests. The Operators do not intentionally collect information from minors, and the Operators do not target its website to children.

Links to Non-Operators Web Sites
The Operators’ websites provide links to third-party websites for the convenience of our users. If you access those links, you will leave the Operators’s website. The Operators do not control these third-party websites and cannot represent that their policies and practices will be consistent with this Privacy Policy. For example, other websites may collect or use personal information about you in a manner different from that described in this document. Therefore, you should use other websites with caution, and you do so at your own risk. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any website before submitting personal information.

Information regarding movies are taken from Wikipedia including poster and links to the downloads are external. We are just providing you a better way to download movies.
